NewsWorkshop How effectively finance innovation and optimized cost by Expense Reduction Analysts

Expense Reduction Analysts would like to invite you to a workshop “How effectively finance innovation and optimized cost” that is taking place at Center of low energy buildings in Pisek on May 22. The building is specific in terms of energy management. Batteries power it. You will have a chance to see it all during the workshop.

Workshop “How effectively finance innovation and optimised cost” is organized by Expense Reduction Analysts, together with Ayming and Czech Association of Interim Management. The workshop starts at 8:30. Presentation will be given by Jiří Veverka, sales manager, Jakub Toufar, subsidy specialist, energy expert Tomáš Kopecký and experienced interim manager, Tomáš Rybička.

Speakers will discuss the following topics:

  • Do you use research and development deduction to fund your innovations? And if so, are you sure you use it correctly and will you stand up for a tax office check?
  • Are subsidies an interesting way for you, but you do not know how to deal with them? Are you interested in financing your business plans in the form of direct support?
  • How to reduce energy costs not only in manufacturing companies by smart consumption, accumulation and electricity production.
  • How interim management can save costs and bring specific expertise and experience to a company.

Further information about workshop can be find here: Workshop line-up

You can also register through the following link: Registration

The attendance fee is 400,- CZK