P3 communications, a leading international consulting, engineering and testing company that offers a large portfolio of independent technical and consulting services, has preformed its second test of the Vodafone network in the Czech Republic. More than 2,000 calls and 1,600 data transfers took place as part of the test and, once again, Vodafone was found to offer the fastest data speeds and the most reliable voice services. With a score of 885 points out of 1,000, Vodafone won its second Best in Test certificate.
P3 communications performed its tests in 30 towns of the Czech Republic and on the roads that connect them in April and May 2017. The measurements confirmed the high quality of the Vodafone network, which achieved outstanding results in terms of both voice calls and data services. In both categories, Vodafone was able to repeat its top raking from last year.
“Our winning the Best in Test certificate for a second time is recognition of the high quality of our network and our contribution to the development of the digital economy in the Czech Republic. The test results once again show that mobile connection in our country is at a very high level,” says Vodafone CEO Jiří Báča.
The test took place in Prague, Brno, Plzeň and 27 other towns and on the roads connecting them. The quality of voice and data services was measured using Samsung Galaxy S7 mobile phones that can access all LTE frequencies used by operators in the Czech Republic. This year’s test also verified the quality of LTE – VoLTE voice calls for the first time, also using Samsung Galaxy S7.
The success rate of establishing and completing a mobile-to-mobile call within the Vodafone network was 98.8% in large cities, 97.4% in smaller towns and 97.0% on roads. Vodafone’s total score in the voice service test was 342 points out of 400. Operator 2 won 326 points and Operator 3 won 285 points.
In LTE 4G data tests, Vodafone scored 543 out of 600. Operator 2 scored 525 points and Operator 3 scored 533 points.
In a test of 10-second data downloads in urban areas, P3 communications achieved an average speed of 49.523 Mbps in the Vodafone network, compared with 28.846 Mbps in the network of Operator 2 and 30.140 Mbps in the network of Operator 3.
The call reliability of VoLTE calls was 98.7% in Vodafone network and 96.9% in the network of Operator 2 and 97.7% in the network of Operator 3. All successfully established VoLTE calls in the Vodafone network were successfully completed. The share of dropped calls was 0.7% in the network of Operator 2 and 0.2% in the network of Operator 3.
The tests performed by P3 communications are entirely independent. The company gives no notice to mobile operators concerning the time, place and routes of the measurements. For more information, a copy of the certificate and a test map, visit the P3 communications web site at: http://www.p3-networkanalytics.com/certificates/certificates-by-country/.