Czech Association of Interim Management: How to Survive the Crisis
Companies have tried everything to withstand the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic; however, a new era is at hand, in which they may not survive. The lives and health of people have maximum priority, but unfortunately the given measures cause, and shall continue to cause in the future, negative consequences for business. Companies are exhausted (physically, mentally, financially…) from the previous difficult months, and no one can say when it will all end. We can no longer rely on the fact that “things will get better”. We need to intervene and turn around the negative developments.
How? The team of experienced managers of the Czech Association of Interim Management (CAIM) has compiled another set of recommendations for companies (the first was published in March), which should help them survive the crisis, or at least allow them to realise the important contexts, and thus plan their next steps.
The crisis managers from CAIM have experience from many hundreds of various business crises that they have personally helped solve “singlehandedly”. The vast majority of these experiences are applicable also in the current situation, not only to companies, their owners, and their management, but also government bodies and emergencies committees at various levels can (and should!) draw on the methods of practical crisis management, or even various trade unions and professional associations can utilise them.