BCC member PwC invites you to attend the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in the context of renewable energy in the Czech Republic. An opportunity or far future?
Wednesday, 16 February 2022, from 3.30 p.m.
Are you monitoring the dynamic changes on the Czech energy market? Are you searching for a way how to fix your company energy costs and secure it against risks? Join our next specialised online seminar from the PwC ESG Talks series where we will present to you opportunities concerning the so-called Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on the local market.
The introduction will involve the dedication to legal and technical aspects of PPA projects realisation. The general framework will also include examples of projects realised in Poland. Together with our guests from Nano Energies, ČSOB and Jarošovský pivovar, who already have practical experience in this area, we will be discussing how to prepare and implement these projects, and how to arrange their funding.
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The topic will be presented by Jan Brázda, ESG Leader at PwC Czech Republic, CEE partner. Introduction to the PPA topic Experience from the Polish market (in English) Jan Brázda, ESG Leader, PwC Czech Republic, CEE partner Maciej Malachowski, Specialist team for PPA, PwC Poland Legal framework for energy trading Kateřina Mandulová, Attorney-at-law, PwC Legal Funding PPA projects Jan Troják, Director – Project Finance, ČSOB PPA projects from the perspective of offer František Vašek, Head of Business Development, Nano Energies PPA projects from the perspective of demand Martin Pacovský, Investor, Jarošovský pivovar Panel discussion Any queries concerning the topics above can be made throughout the webinar via our live chat. With the exception to the contribution made with respect to the Polish market, the webinar will be held in Czech.
Attendance is free of charge.
Feel free to contact Lucie Martincová, lucie.martincova@pwc.com with respect to any programme and organisation issues related to the event.