Membership in the Chamber is open to British, Czech and international companies. We work one-on-one with all of our members to help them get the most out of our extensive network and international connections.
From peer-to-peer networking events to professional development sessions, from business leader roundtables to policy committees, the British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic offers you plenty of opportunities to get involved in activities that will allow your business to grow.
Why join?
- Regular networking with members of the BCC and other chambers
- Full programme of social events
- Business education programme for employees
- Reduced entry to all BCC events
- Special rates for services including market
research, advisory and legal services - Exclusive discount for conference facilities in the British Business Centre and at member hotels
Business Promotion
- Introduction in The Tube newsletter on joining
- Company profile on BCC website
- Discounted advertising in all BCC publications
- Invitation to provide speakers at Chamber events
- Sponsorship and partnership opportunities
Policy Development
- Regular Afternoon Tea sessions with significant political figures
- Participation in BCC Working Groups
- Monthly breakfast briefings on topics of interest
- Assistance with business-critical public policy issues
Who can join us?
Any British, Czech, or international company with a stake in the Czech Republic is welcome to join the British Chamber. Our membership includes companies of all sizes, ranging from large multi-national corporations to enterprises launched by a single entrepreneur.