We are deep in preparing an amazing, intense day full of exponential technologies for you. Showcases, hands-on demos, and inspirational visionary talks with one goal in mind – to give you a clear overview of the technological forces shaping our future and excite you about the opportunities they offer. So let’s meet at Future Port Prague, Sept 7, 2017 at Pražská tržnice.
The creation of a visionary futuristic festival was birthed from three ingredients: Etnetera co-founder Martin Holečko’s passion for technological trends, which was fully unleashed after reading Peter Diamandis’ book BOLD; inspiration from the open-air innovation festival Propelify, which took technologies out of the exhibition hall and office and put them on an open-air pier with the breathtaking Manhattan skyline as a backdrop; and a search for a good way to give back while marking the 20th anniversary of Etnetera’s founding.
After discussing the Future Port Prague concept with dozens of business and community leaders, it was clear there is demand for such an overarching event studying the combined impact of exponential technologies and the opportunities they create: In other words, to show innovators and decision makers the BIG picture.
Our goal is to present a positive vision of the future where people are empowered and not intimidated by technology. This is not blind techno-optimism. Technological progress itself will not guarantee a better world and happier lives.
By creating Future Port Prague together with our visionary partners, we want to help people and businesses in our region better understand this phenomenon; not just the technology, but the deeper societal changes that will require a rethinking and rewiring of our business models and environments, our education systems, and most importantly our own mindsets.
If we can manage that and couple it with the creative engineering spirit and strong tradition of innovation in the Czech Republic and all of Central and Eastern Europe, we could tap a wellspring of potential for the region to thrive in the exploding digital revolution. This is our way of contributing to that goal.
Visit www.futureportprague.com for more information.
Do you know a progressive company with future-oriented technology, product, or concept to showcase? Nominate them for an exhibitor!
Nominate / apply here: exhibitors@futureportprague.com