Mental Health Workshop – Session 1 – Me and my personal settings
Dear BCC members, let us kindly invite you to new courses of Mental Health Workshop, which we are preparing in coopration with our member – MgC & Adéla Karlovská.
Mental Health Wellbeing is an extremely important “discipline” of our lives. We often greatly underestimate how our lives are set up and deal with the consequences.
Let’s explore our personal settings together and change that.
Find out your personal settings and resources which is the basic of our psychohygiene and become your own happiness manager.
Session 1
1) Me and my personal settings
a) My personal vision (what it is good for, how to find it and how it helps in my life)
b) Motivation as a way to my satisfaction (basic types of motivation, how to find it and how to keep it)
d) Do I do what I enjoy? (searching of own purpose)
e) I want to be happy (quick tips)
Please note, there is follow up session – Session 2 – Me and my resources – taking place on March 4, 2022.
Session 2
2) Me and my resources
a) My energy sources (how I manage them, how I can increase them)
b) Flow as a source of my inner energy (what is it, how to get it and keep it)
c) 5 easy ways to improve my Wellbeing right now
d) Mindfulness (living here and now)
This course of Mental Health Wellbeing (Session 1 & Session 2 will take place via Zoom).