09:00 - 10:30
Registration at 08:45
Boutique Hotel Jalta
Václavské nám. 45, Praha
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The British Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to attend the Data Protection Breakfast Round Table Debate with the UK Government Delegation.

At this event you will get the opportunity to talk to the senior officials and data experts from the UK about data protection in the UK after Brexit. Department for Digital, Department for Exiting the European Union; Culture, Media and Sport; Home Office; and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will be represented. The UK delegation is likely to include Paul Gaskell (DCMS), Emily Coleridge (DExEU), Megan Ormson (Home Office) and Anna Taylor (BEIS).

Questions which the UK delegation would like to discuss:

  1. How is data changing the nature of your businesses?
  2. Existing structures: How are businesses feeling about the changes happening in the world of data at the moment? (GDPR, eprivacy, public awareness etc) What are they doing to ensure compliance in a global world and where are the pressure points?
  3. Changing world: How can the UK and Czech Governments work together to provide a global outlook to a global challenge?
  4. Direct impact on businesses: The importance of UK-EU data flows for UK and Czech businesses?

Register bellow or send email to pavel.fara@britcham.cz

Please note that the capacity is limited. This event is free of charge.
