The Czech Management Association and its International Management Club would like to invite you to a conference and panel discussion
The Czech Republic as part of the global economy: Challenges ahead
The conference is organized in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and will be held under the auspices of foreign minister Tomáš Petříček.
Conference Topics: The Czech Republic in a global environment, investment, entrepreneurial culture and economic efficiency in the Czech Republic, living and working conditions for foreign managers in the Czech Republic
Date: Wednesday, April 3rd2019
Time: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. conference and discussion, 4:30 – 6 p.m. reception
Location: Czernin palace / Černínskýpalác, Prague
Conference language: English
Number of participants: 100
Participants: Foreign managers working in the Czech Republic, leading Czech managers, ministers and deputy ministers, embassy representatives, members of international and bi-lateral chambers of commerce, media
- Leading international managers working in the Czech Republic;
- The Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomáš Petříček, Deputy Minister Martin Tlapa;
- The Minister of Industry and Trade, the Finance Minister, the Minister of transportation, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport
- The Director of the CzechInvest agency, representatives of the Czech Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation EGAP, the Technological agency of the Czech Republic TAČR, the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank ČMRZB
1. Panel – 80 minutes including discussion
Topics:The Czech Republic and global changes of the 21stcentury; international competitiveness of the Czech Republic,overcoming international trade barriers; the global investment climate and its effect on the Czech Republic; Brexit; sanctions.
2. Panel – 80 minutes, including discussion
Topics: Business environment in the Czech Republic; challenges of innovation; globalization versus local economy; specifics of Czech society, tradition and culture in comparison with other countries; skills and productivity of the Czech labour market.
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